Windows XP NewAge

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Windows XP NewAge | 1.89 GB

NewAge-OS - Prestige2, now known as NewAge-OS. Includes Media Centre.

Integrated and removed with nLite

Music Samples.
MSN Explorer.
Blaster/Nachi removal tool.
Remote Registry.

Half open connections 1000.
Uxtheme patched.
Disabled system file checker.

Boot and Shutdown-Numlock-On.
Boot and Shutdown-Setup Prefetch-Cache-Applaunch and Boot enabled.
Desktop-Desktop icons size-32.
Desktop-Internet Explorer icon-Show.
Desktop-My Computer icon-Show
Desktop-My Documents icon-Show.
Desktop-My Network Places icon-Show.
Desktop-Recycle Bin icon-Show.
Desktop-Wrap icon titles-Enable.
Explorer-Add 'Command Prompt' to folder context menu.
Explorer-Advanced Search: preconfigure options.
Explorer-Associate additional file types with Notepad.
Explorer-Change Windows Explorer folder view-Details.
Explorer-Classic Control Panel.
Explorer-Disable Prefix: Shortcut to.
Explorer-Display the contents of system folders.
Explorer-Launch folder windows in a separate process.
Explorer-Show Drive Letters in front of Drive Names.
Explorer-Show extensions of known file-types.
Explorer-Show the full path in the Address Bar.
Internet Explorer-Disable Market Place bookmark.
Internet Explorer-Enable Google URL-Search.
Internet Explorer-Keep IE URL-History for-20 Days (default).
Internet Explorer-Set
Internet Explorer-Set IE-Cache limit to-200 MB.
Internet Explorer-Set Internet Explorer to accept 10 connects at a time.
My Computer-Add Administrative Tools.
My Computer-Add Control Panel.
My Computer-Add Recycle Bin.
Performance-Disable Optimize harddisk when idle.
Performance-Disable WBEM logging.
Performance-Run 16-bit Windows applications in a separate process.
Privacy-Remove Alexa.
Security-Always show Updates under Software.
Start Menu-Add Administrative Tools menu.
Start Menu-Disable Highlight newly installed programs.
Start Menu-Do not use Personalized Menus.
Start Menu-Number of programs on Start menu-10.
Start Menu-Reduce popup delay.
Start Menu-Remove Windows Catalog shortcut.
Taskbar-Disable Group similar Taskbar buttons.
Taskbar-Disable Hide inactive icons.
Taskbar-Lock the Taskbar-No.
Visual Effects-Active window tracking speed-Fast.
Visual Effects-Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing-Disable.
Visual Effects-Combo box animation-Disable.
Visual Effects-Cursor shadow-Enable.
Visual Effects-Display mouse pointer trails-Disable.
Visual Effects-Fade out selection-Disable.
Visual Effects-Gradient captions in windows-Enable.
Visual Effects-Keyboard shortcut underline-Enable.
Visual Effects-Menu animation-Disable.
Visual Effects-Menu shadows-Enable.
Visual Effects-Menu style-Normal.
Visual Effects-Show translucent selection rectangle-Enable.
Visual Effects-Show window contents while dragging-Disable.
Visual Effects-Slide taskbar buttons-Disable.
Visual Effects-Smooth edges of screen fonts-Clear Type.
Visual Effects-Smooth-scroll list boxes-Enable.
Visual Effects-Tooltip animation-Disable.
Visual Effects-Use a background image for each folder type-Enable.
Visual Effects-Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop-Enable.
Windows Media Player-Accept Privacy Statement.
Windows Media Player-Disable starting with Media Guide.
Windows Media Player-Enhanced privacy settings.
Windows Media Player-Optimize fullscreen mode behavior.

Integrated Hotfixes:
DotNetFx_All_In_1 - Dotnet AIO (incl. 1.1 for media centre).
Kels_Runtimes_addon_v4.8 - Almost all the runtimes you'll ever need.
ToolTipFixer_2.0 - Stops tooltips hiding behind taskbar.
5er_KB893056 - Show hibernate button when shutting down.
addoninstaller - Sendto menu addon for installing nLite addons (addon must contain inf file)
HashTab-211 - Adds hash values tab to file properties.
Kels_CabTool_v1.8 - Sendto menu addon for making or unpacking .cab files.
Kels_RegUnReg - Register/Unregister filetypes and libraries.
Kels_TweakUI_v2.10_CPL - TweakUI control panel app.
Kels_UniversalSilentSwitchFinder - Sendto menu addon.
OnePiece_IE7_WinXPSP3_v2.4.0 - IE7.
onepiece_microsoft_silverlight_v2.0.31005.0- Silverlight 2.0.
OnePiece_Windows_Media_Player_11 - WMP11.
7-Zip 4.57 - As it says!
Java Runtime Environment 6 Update 10 - Latest JRE.
Ricks_BlueXP_SP3_taskmgr - Blue task manager instead of green.
Ricks_HoldEm_AddOn - Vista poker game.
Ricks_UltimateSounds_AddOn- Add sounds to sound schemes.
Ricks_VistaSoundsReplacement_AddOn - Vista Sounds instead of XP.
Ricks_WindowsSidebar_Intl_AlkyXP1.1 - Vista Sidebar.
WinRAR3.8Plus_AddOn - WinRAR 3.80.
Ricks_XP_to_MCE05_en - Media Centre.

Windows XP NewAge

Windows XP NewAge

Integrated With Ryan VM Integrator:
Black Vipers services addon.

Registry Tweaks:
QuickLaunch bar enabled.
Renamed Recycle bin to Trash.
Change the Internet Explorer window title to NewAge-OS.
Default Wallpaper - NewAge-OS wallpaper.
Speed up shutdown.
Prevents Internet Explorer windows from being reused.
Disable Automatic Restart in the event of a BSOD.
Disables Error Reporting, but notifies when errors occur.
Recycle Bin Uses 3% of Available Space Rather than 10%.
Faster Web Page Loading.
Speed up opening of My Computer and Explorer.
Faster reboot time.
Force DLL To Unload From Memory.
Increase DNS Cache Size.

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