LEC Power Translator Pro 12 Euro Edition - ISO File

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Power Translator helps grow businesses by providing more access to technical subjects and business documents. It is the most advanced version of our economical desktop software line. Translate letters, emails, chat, blogs and instant messages. Translate from any program effortlessly.Accurate, fast, flexible. Translate between multiple languages with one software package: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian.

Power Translator Euro includes LEC’s advanced user interfaces:
LogoTrans translates text that you type, paste, or drop.
ClipTrans translates any text that is selected and copied.
MirrorTrans automatically monitors another application window and translates whatever text appears there.
TransIt translates a sentence or two and quickly pops it into another application, such as an instant message or chat window.
Quick Start Program. QuickStart helps first-time users pick the best program for any translation task.
File Trans translates ‘text only’, Microsoft Word, HTML, RTF, PDF, and XML files.
Dictionary is used to create and browse dictionaries. Quickly and easily add words or translations not already in the main or subject dictionaries. This allows you to increase the accuracy of translations and create a dictionary tailored to your needs.
Specialized Dictionaries : Include specialized business, computer, medical, and law dictionaries for more accurate translations of text in these subjects.
Automatic Language Identification

New Features and Improvements
Greater speed and accuracy: Improvements have been made to all translation engine dictionaries and grammars resulting in better translations than ever before.
Speech-to-text: Integration of Microsoft’s speech recognition for English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese when running under Vista. English, Chinese, and Japanese speech recognition is supported under XP. Translate your speech. Control translation applications with your voice.
Text-to-Speech: for Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
Hover Translation: Point the cursor at a word and a translation of the sentence or word immediately appears near the text.
Translate Selection: Select any text and its translation appears next to it.
Text Capture

Home page - http://www.lec.com/listProduct.asp?product=Euro&family=Power-Translator

Download: 727 MB

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