Automation AutoMate BPA Server Enterprise Edition

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Automation AutoMate BPA Server Enterprise Edition

Network Automation AutoMate BPA Server Enterprise Edition - is a multi-tiered client server business process automation platform for Windows. It logically separates high-level workflow design from the complexity of building detailed automation routines and provides automated execution and centralized control over processes involving one machine or the entire enterprise. With enterprise job scheduling, event-based conditions, and robust application development tools, AutoMate BPA Server enables organizations to streamline, manage and automate complex operations without writing code.

Released: September 12, 2008 - This release offers further improved stability and performance, including quicker response times in the AutoMate Server Management Console, and optimized data access and faster execution when using a SQL database backend.

Graphical workflows are the cornerstone of AutoMate BPA Server. A workflow (or flow diagram) is a high-level graphical representation of an IT or business process, which might involve processing on multiple servers across the network. Graphical workflows are created via intuitive drag-and-drop tools in Workflow Designer, an application included with AutoMate BPA Server.
Workflows are not just pretty looking diagrams - they contain all the information (i.e., initiation, execution, error-handling, conditional logic, notifica-tion, etc.) needed to automate complex IT and business processes.
The main components of workflows include conditions, tasks, and flow control objects. Conditions are network or system events (such as the appearance of a file in a specified network share folder) that can initiate workflow execution or provide the basis for conditional event-based decision-making. Tasks, which can be simple or complex, involve the instructions for executing a series of processing steps. Tasks are created with AutoMate's award-winning drag-and-drop development tool, the AutoMate Task Builder, which eliminates the need for writing and maintaining code. Flow control objects allow for the inclusion of complex logic within the workflow and conditional branching.
Workflows are managed and administered in Management Console, an application included with AutoMate BPA Server.

NEW Version
Server Management Console
- details of what objects (tasks, workflows, etc.) were imported from a package is now displayed in the Output window
- Output Window refresh speed has been improved when large amounts of data are present
BPA Server
- optimized memory usage and data handling when using a SQL database backend
Choice Action
- now supports building choices from an array or dataset in addition to a defined list

Label Action
- disabled Label steps were still treated as enabled at runtime
Task Runtime
- per step retry timeout was being ignored
BPA Server
- corrected several memory and handle leaks that occurred under certain situations
- when exporting a workflow that has the same task multiple times, the resulting ampkg file could not be imported.
- constant and SQL Connection strings are now properly applied to Task Builder and running task instances
Server Management Console
- could not change the name of a task if only the character case of the name was changed
- changes to the stage of a task within the repository were not saved when using a SQL back end
Task Builder
- No reset option for AMTB after customizing Available Actions view
- attempting to execute an step with malformed AML would cause the Task Builder to go into an infinite loop on the offending step
Task Service
- corrected several minor memory leaks when running a task
- an exception fault occurred when a task is run as a specified or background user on Windows Server 2008
- corrected handle leak that occurred when a task was run on a Vista or Server 2008 agent
Workflow Designer
- copying and pasting an item quickly (within a second of each other) caused an exception in WFD
- one could assign a folder as an agent to a task or a condition in the WFD data handling when using a SQL database backend


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