Ultimate Proxy Kit

Friday, October 3, 2008

Value: 15

Hello everyone,
Are you looking for a way to earn $1000+ a month with proxies. Are you tired of buying eBooks that require you to spend quite a bit more money before you are even able to start with the methods inside. I have decided to provide an answer to your problems with the Ultimate Proxy Kit.

The Ultimate Proxy Kit is just what it says it is, a KIT. It includes almost everything you need to start your own proxies earning $1000+ a month. The Ultimate Proxy Kit includes the following:

The Ultimate Proxy eBook - a 12 page eBook which will guide you step by step on how to earn $1000 with proxies.

Access to 12 UNIQUE Proxy Templates Most proxy guides will just tell you to go to a free template site, download a crap template with low CTR’s and use that. Instead, I have had 12 proxy templates custom made for me, which I will be sharing with those who purchase this kit. These templates cost me hundreds of dollars and will give you the high CTR you need to operate a sucessful proxy.


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