ProSubmitter $1000 SEO
Thursday, October 9, 2008Posted by
ProSubmitter $1000 SEO
Our software (DPGP or CloakerPro) creates thousands of keyword-oriented web pages with unique contents.These pages are search-engine-spider friendly! The spiders crawl and index the pages, and finally show them in the search results.- Once a visitor clicks your page URL, he will be re-directed to the specified URL you set.
- You can send the visitors to anywhere you want! You may change the destination URL in just one minute at any time in the Future.
-You can send all your visitors to your websites and boost your sales, or you can redirect them to your favorite affiliate programs to generate big commission checks. You can do anything with your imagination.
Our stuff is a PHP scripts which creates that highly effective doorway pages directly on your server and then submitt them to the thousands resources. All you do is fill out a short form, click on a button - and Voila!
“Doorway Pages” - what is it?
Doorway Pages are web pages that created for the sole purpose of ranking highly in the search results for one or two searchterms.
Doorway pages, also called ( gateway pages or bridge pages or jump pages or hook pages or smart pages or cloaked pages ), are no more than any page of a site which has keywords that may be found in a search. By entering your site from a search engine at such a page, visitors experience the page as a ‘doorway’ to your web site.
Our software designed to drive massive traffic to any web site. It is “intelligent” and creates Doorway Pages which appear to have been hand made and contain genuine content. Its unlike other Doorway Page creators which simply dump all your keywords in one place or create similar pages and risk being recognized as spam by search engines. You can link the doorway pages to one or more of your websites or to multiple pages within the same website.
No doorway page created by our software will be treated from the search engines robots as spam.Guaranteed! All pages will be listed.
Unlikely most other competitors, our stuff will create guaranteed functional doorways as all pages have 100% unique content.
Every Doorway page created is optimized and specially tuned for a particular keyword or key phrase. Each Doorway Page created by our scripts has a navigation linking it to the other Doorway Pages. This means that search engine spiders can index all the doorway pages easily from any one of the page.
All pages will be created within their own unique names.(/your-keyword-phrase.html)
Do you need massive amounts of Search Engine traffic or thousands quality backlinks to your website(s)?
Not a problem!
Our software is a great way to bring targeted traffic to your site and increase your page rank.
It uses SEO Optimized templates to render the html hence it can be made to fit any page layout and design. You may create your own templates to use with the DPGP� (”DoorwayPageGeneratorPro”) or CloakerPro.
Also You can use our software to create “mini nets”.
Our software is a scripts that “has” to be used in external servers as it is designed to create unlimited pages that link to each other and to your main site (with links in the pages or Stealth Redirection). If you use it to create mini nets (known SEO technique), it will create unlimited incoming links to your domain to boost popularity and traffic.
A mini net’s site is a domain name that you buy and then with our stuff you create many doorways that link back to your main domain. So when you create lets say for start 10 domain names, then you have 10 domains and tens thousands of doorway pages link back to your site. Our Doorway scripts will send you all the visitors of these domains to your main site and As might be expected your main’s domain Page Rank will hit the sky.
“DPGP” and “CloakerPro” - is powerful software that outsmarts search engine spiders into thinking that your site has thousands of optimized pages. “CloakerPro” automatically generates thousands of pages JUST for the spiders. These pages are dynamically built from keyword lists you manage via an easy-to-use Web console.When the search engines visit your site, they will get different content on each visit. This helps boost your search engine ranking.
Use our software to get more listings in search engines!Generate infinite pages JUST for the search engines!
The result?
More listings in the search engines! Which means more traffic. And, if you’ve been in the Web marketing “biz” for a while, you know that search engine traffic is one of the highest quality traffic around.
With DPGP or CloakerPro ,you can get more listings,more quickly, and with much better rankings for targeted keywords.
Our software very easy to install,totally configurable,and run to play with.You can use it for all your sites.
Our software “outwits” the search engines to increase YOUR listings, and increase YOUR traffic!
You can put this scripts to multiple use such as Creating keyword rich pages for attracting search engine visitors for adsense revenue, Creating high keyword density doorway pages, Enhancing the regular contents of your site.
It’s Completely configurable. It Uses templates and css to generate html content. You can make it look and feel like your existing site.
Our software packages used by thousands of top-ranked Webmasters to increase their search engine listings!
You may be saying to your self: ” What makes this Software so unique while there are other SEO software in the market ?”
The most common keyword based automatic page generation issue is “Duplicates and near-duplicates” detecting algo’s (01/2001). After Google’s Big Daddy infrasctructure update (03/2006) most of the usual seo tricks such as simple doorway pages have suddenly become ineffective and potentially damaging for any kind of website. It’s a matter of fact: old, traditional doorway generators are actually pretty useless!
And that’s why we have created DPGP and CloakerPro.
At that moment DPGP’s and CloakerPro’s cores is actually the most brilliant and smartest text generators around.
New “Quadruple Markov’s chains” algorithm content for totally unique, legible, optimized text.
DPGP and CloakerPro will produce as many optimized, natural language, template based webpages as the total number of keywords you are using (i.e. 100 kwd = 100 pages).
Artificially intelligent natural language and seo oriented pages are created in seconds right on your server(s).
Sky-rocket your search engine ranking and get #1 position for all your selected keywords!
Our software can be run on most basic servers,even on cheap virtual servers.
There’s no limit to the number of doorway pages you can create! The limit is your server’s hard disk ;-) The real files on your server won’t be more than 3-4kb big each (if you use the default template).
No special knowledge required. Very easy installation and use.
After you buy the script we will help you “Step-By-Step” in installation or in using if you need.
And if you’re dead serious about increasing your sales and profits AND your time off, you cannot afford not to have our SEO software, simply because you do NOT have to go through the steep learning curve of learning Search Engine Optimization.
All you have to do is follow to our easy instructions, “do this, then do that” and our software do all the SEO work for you!
Don’t let your competitors get their hands on this powerful programs before you! If you need more traffic try this out.
There is no risk.
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