MSDict.Oxford.English.Dict.v2.20.S60.SymbianOS.Cra cked-PWNPDA

Monday, October 6, 2008

2 in 1: An OXFORD reference along with MSDict Viewer containing 140,000 words, Phrases, Definitions, Words origination and Pronunciation.

This is a smartphone reissue of the ninth edition of the world's longest-established pocket English dictionary by Oxford University Press. It is one of the new generation Oxford dictionaries derived from the database of the highly acclaimed New Oxford Dictionary of English and is particularly user friendly with its elegant open design, with different elements starting on new lines. It offers excellent coverage of English as an international language and thousands of examples illustrate idiomatic usage. All irregular noun, verb, and adjectival inflections are spelled out in full, while guidance on grammar and good usage is provided by in-text notes. Additional features include Wordbuilder boxes giving information on related words and thematic tables on subjects such as countries, chemical elements, and nationalities.

The key features of Pocket Oxford English Dictionary:-

Up-to-date and accessible information on the core vocabulary of current English
Clear layout with each new section (phrases, derivatives, usage notes, etymologies, wordbuilder) on new line
Usage notes included, giving clear guidance on points of grammar and usage
In-text lists and tables focusing on core study subjects
Pronunciation feature for any word that might cause difficulty
Greater clarity into etymologies


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